Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I have the greatest friends in the world. I wouldn’t wish them to be any different than they are and I wouldn’t change a thing about them. Each and every one brings something different into my life and paints a different picture upon my canvas. Praises to God for giving me such a community! We laugh until our stomachs hurt and cry until we throw up. These people are my sisters and I am so blessed.

While all of this is 100% true and is what I consider to be “the bee’s knees”, sometimes personalities clash. Now, I’m not talking about arguments or bickering, I am talking about clashing. The kind of things when I want spaghetti and so-and-so wants soup. The situations when I want the diet coke I’ve been saving and so-and-so snags it.

When situations like these arise, we are all faced with two choices: To confront the person about the things that are agitating you, OR to accept the situation and see it as an opportunity to love someone well.

You see, it’s never easy becoming a servant or last, but it is what we are called to do.

“So the last will be first, and the first last.” –Matthew 20:16

“But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give hid life as a ransom for many.” –Matthew 20:26-28

These are the times when we can serve one another! And by serving one another we are imitating Christ! And as we imitate Christ we are loving our friends, family, and strangers well. If God is love, and we are loving others, we have then at that moment tapped into the greatest power of the universe.

Instead of getting annoyed with one another, losing your temper, or fostering ill feelings towards another person, use this as a chance to give and be selfless. Be the first to give up that last diet coke you’ve been craving. Be the first to bless another child of God. Be the first to open your house up to a friend even though you want to be alone.

Die to yourself.

Others will be moved when you humble yourself as a servant.

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